So here is my Queen latest baju...another pc of Shantong.The Manik work is really taken a lot of time...we started it on last Tuesday and finally completed yesterday night. Me & Dayah my PA (wahhhh..wahh...tak delah she is my cousin that helping me @ butik). Deliver ke depan pintu rumah my queen tepat jam 10.45 malam. Huhhh...penat, macam nak runtuh bahu sebelah kiri ni...tapi ape2 pun penat tu hilang bila she said "oh..this is so lovely". U been wonderful to work with.I do that manik for u with kasih k!!!
cantiknye kak.. geram sangat!!
atiqah, memang cantek! when its come from her, of course..because she doing it with love and sincere to her loved ones...
kak,u know what i mean...sabar k? i'll always be around when u need me...
love you, enjoy KL & wedding...
WOW! So da BOMB!
tak sabarnya nak tunggu ketibaan si shantong hitam....
mmg mengigau i malam ni...
Linda...the beadwork is so so so beautiful...the queen mesti delighted.......would buy one maroon shantong for your sentuhan ajaib.....njoy the wedding.....
Tq kita ni biasa2 je. Syukurlah kerana hasil kerja dari kaseh sentiasa dihargai. Yg penting adalah keikhlasan dlm apa punyg kita lakukan.
Cik Yu...
U are always my darling sisterlah...sentiasa menjadi pendengar setia kaseh. Hanya Allah sahaja yg mam[u membalas budi baik Nana.
Kak Dilla,
Thanks, akak kan antara org-org penting yg sentiasa menjadi pendorong kaseh. Hey thanks coz sudi menjadi PR Manager merangkap model kaseh (tak berbayar punya & tak bind contract)...he..he..he..
Sabaq..sabaq tau..InsyaAllah akan kita meletopkan Shantong mu itu Bubbles...& how about the new pink sari???? Itu pun bak kata u menyengau punya.
Ala Kak Raha, sesuatu yg indah & baik itu datangnya dari Allah sahaja. Syukurlah kerana diberikan kawan-kawan sudi memberikan kepercayaan buat kaseh. Trust me is so berdebar-debar setiap kali baju2 customer dah siap..yelah nak tunggu reaksi customer nak cakap apa...wish to have more & more cutomer like all of u!!!!
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