Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Adik @ her engagement day

Dia yang manis.......

Sisters’ are a thing to share

They take the time to show they care

Sisters fill a life with love Sent to us from God above

Sisters hug when times are bad They wipe away tears when times are sad

Sisters cry when one is scared That’s how we show that we care

Sisters are there in times of need To mend the wound from whence we bleed

Sisters have unending faith No one else could take your place

Sisters share most everything We laugh, we cry, we even sing

Sisters’ are a special friend From cradle to grave it will never end

Sisters love no questions asked They also see right through the mask

Sisters see within your soul They also see what makes you whole

Sisters are always within your heart Because of your life they are a part

Sisters live from day to day But within us all they will forever stay.

Shirley Ann Parkerson 2001

Love, Along



MOLY said...

congrats !!!
suwitnyeeee die ..

muka dia lain laa dari akak ..

kaseh said...

Would be better with your camera..tapi my they all got no budget pulakkan...kalau semua along dia nak sponsor boleh pengsan!!