Sunday, July 5, 2009


Hari-hari yang dilalui kaseh kebelakangan ini sungguh bahagia. Syukur ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana segala-segalanya berjalan dengan baik. I can't express how happy i am bila article my client, mempromosikan produk TAHA (Tabung Haji) - rempah pra campurannya mendapat perhatian media. All my friends at media were very suppotive, helping me to place the story in thier newspaper. Last This week it was out in 4 newspapers...sampai En. Izam (COO) pun dah pening bila story TAHA keluar back to back.
Bila ingat balik pada awalnya i memang takut nak buat project for TAHA, coz is product based, usually they have to buy page...but how ya??? But i decided to took up the challenge, and yes my doa to Allah been answered, everyone, editors and friends at media was being very kind to help and support. Thanks everyone, Najibah @KOSMO, Kak Hasliza @ Agama- Berita Harian, En. Roslan@ Harian Metro, Kak Siti & Kak Meran @ Utusan Wanita & Keluarga and also Fadzlina @Berita Harian Wanita & Keluarga, Fairuz @ Berita Harian (yang sudi tolong akak ngan air-air mineral tu dah jadi campaign manager akak for kurung pahang for kaseh!) , Kak Suraya Al-Attas at nst life&time yang juga dah plan story for TAHA. Syukur and thank you everyone, May Allah bless all of you in helping this Halal and Toyyib product.
At kaseh, tengah busy membuat perancangan untuk baju-baju raya customer. So basically the upcoming productions by us will be for raya. Di belakang tabir kaseh everyone is working really hard, my cuttter, my penjahit manik tersayang, my two staff Ju and Nurul is doing great, i am so bersyukur coz they are very commited with their task, i am so motivated. Yesterday we all kemas kaseh yang comel tu...hopefully soon i can host a small fashion show for kaseh loyal suppoter...

Inilah baju terbaru milik Puan Artchitect tersohor, Emilda. Hmmm...senyum meleret tuan punya badan bila dapat baju ni. She loved it so much, kan Kak Eda? The 1st who got this kind of design. The picture is not really clear, but this i a lovely pcs. Owned by kaseh new customer, Auntie Raja Kalsom. The material tu pun memang cantik, limited pcs @ Gulatis. She is so happy with both her baju that we designed for her. She keep saying sedih coz nape kita orang tak nak buat baju tunang her anak hmmm...that the thing with me..i nak bisness tapi i nak buat dan bagi result yang terbaik, tak buat kelam kabut nanti hasil tak cantik. Tak pe ade rezeki , wedding nanti kaseh buat kan k auntie.
Ya Allah...
Syukur ku ke hadratMu yang memberikan rezeki serta perjalanan yang dipermudahkan buatku.
Hubby, kids and my mum...
Thanks kerana sentiasa menyokong segala usaha, terima kasih di atas restu dan doa kalian!
kaseh selalu,


bubbles said...

Kaseh, hasil karya yg dtg dari hati yg tulus ikhlas, pasti akan mendapat kejayaan & dipermudahkan allah..
(Wah, bunyik mcm pakar motivasi la pulak..) Inspired by Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah.. :)

You've got passion & u r driven to be different & exceptional, that's what I see in u!! Congrats babe for getting good outcome on yr TAHA project.
Hopefully kaseh can be the #1 butik pilihan rakyat melaka 1 day.. Don't worry, the PPGs is rite behind u to support!!

kaseh said...


Segala pujian dan yang indah dan cantik itu hak Allah semuanya..dipinjamkan je buat kitakan..tapi bila Allah bagi peluang ni kami @ kaseh cuba memberi yang terbaik mungkin buat semua yang memberikan kaseh amanah tak kira lah kat retail or at my PR wing... hope both could contribute best result sentiasa.

I am really bersyukur for kind of friend like u and semualah yang suport kaseh's effort to make sure all of u looking nice selalu...esp PPGs ler... Seriously tak tau nak express feeling everytime nampak u all dengan busana-busana kaseh! Allah je yang tau betapa bahagianya diriku!

My Heart Speaks said...


Your niat yang ikhlas & your determination bring results.

You are surrounded with kind loving people who want to add value to the world.

Thank you.

kaseh said...

En Izam,

Thanks and really i am so bersyukur dapat client / COO yang sebaik u.

Moga Allah akan sentiasa merahmati kita semua dalam menjayakan misi TAHA ini. Amin.