Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My life...

Today is 24th March, dah 7 months arwah pergi..pantasnya masa berlalu. Aku rindu..rindu yang tidak tergambar dan tertafsir dengan kata-kata, hanya Allah Yang Maha Esa yang Maha Mengetahui gelodak rasa jiwa dan perasaanku. Hanya doa yang mampu aku panjatkan padaNya agar Umairah ditempatkan di dalam golongan hamba-hambaNya dikasihi.

I am back to my world, PR & Media industry. My business of little kaseh tengah sakit sikit, so i kena kerja lebig sikit untuk menjaga kaseh butik kesayangan i dari melalui segala kesakitan...ya kaseh ... i dah curahkan segalanya kat situ...so is really my responsible to look after kaseh butik. Since Dayah dah lama kat kaseh, someone that i can really trust, syukur to Allah for sending her to me..so i nak start balik PR cosultant work like before.

1st service yang my company had to offer before, but this service the demand is more in KL. So 1st client tentulah my boss lama, Elyna. She is so nice, in whatever and whichever way always willing to help me...I am so glad to be back to the PR & Media world...mind need to be creative to be able to convince your client brand, services to the respective print /electronic media, is a very challenging task but i loveddd challenge.. Last week was busy running shot with Mag and Daily Newspaper for her. Yesterday i was in KL meeting my potential client, insyaallah jika ade rezeki i be doing a PR campaign for this client, nice team of people..young and motivated people in this organization.

Syukur kerana Allah sentiasa mempermudahkan segala2nya buat diri kaseh. My doa is that May Allah guide me always under His petunjuk, rahmat dan hidayahNya sentiasa.

Me and hubby had to start all over again...as in he have to biasakan balik jadual mase i kerja ulang-alik ke KL dulu...TQ Love, coz selalu bersama-sama melalui saat susah dan senang bersama...

Anyway as for kaseh...i be in the little shop on the days that i tak travel...so most of my client yang rapat2 ni biasanyer call me if they all nak datang or nak jumpa kaseh..so i tak risau sangat.


GEREK ITU ALIA... said...

kakak u be in kl?
hope to c u...

GEREK ITU ALIA... said...

kakak u be in kl?
hope to c u...

Adillah A Nordin said...

Wishing you all the very BEST Linda..

kaseh said...


Ya...we must cari mase untuk jumpa k...I will usually be in Solaris Mont Kiara / Pavillion or GE Mall Ampang if i tak buat rounding kat Press. Nak juge jumpa alia banyak juga benda nak share2 ngan u. Take care k!

kaseh said...

Kak Illa,
Tq ye sis. Saturday ni kita ade meeting PFG k! Hmmm...kesian u dah lama nak baju baru kan..so hope by Sat kita dapat siapkan ya.

MOLY said...

all the best akak !!!
semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar
dah ada kat kl balik nanti free2 leh la jumpa
lily duduk kat damansara perdana
dekat aje dengan tempat kita pernah makan dulu

take care akak !!
