Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thank U...Thank U....

Wah...Wah meriah sungguh kaseh rase, actually tak de apa2 special untuk kaseh.. Yang Special occassionnyer ialah hubby i punya birthday on last Monday 1st, December. Tup..tup kaseh pulak dapat hadiah..hmmm meriah

Anyway we had a cute & sweet birthday celebration @ Secret. Just me & hubby on last Monday..It was nice. My 2 putera @ school so adelah chance sikit mummy & papa dia org dating.

Special Notes :
Syukur kepada Allah SWT kerana mempertemukan kita...u have been a great hubby & father to our kids. Semoga kasih sayang antara kita akan terus kukuh & mohon perlindungan serta rahmat dari Allah sentiasa...Moga kita akan terus saling menghargai perhubungan & masa yg Allah berikan untuk kita bersama.
Our kids is the best gift from may Allah give us kekuatan & kesabaran dalam menjaga amanahNya ini.
Kak Dilla,
Thank u for the lovely note book that u got for me all the way from Singapore. Tak sangka kita ade minat yg same, kumpul paper bag, note book & gretting cards.
Avvone - Principal Premier Montessori
Hey Dear, what a surprise...what a lovely box with a nice red ribbon!!! It's was so sweet of you. Ok, i got the gift from Avvone coz mase school concert Premier tu kaseh jadi Emcee kononnye. That is simply bcoz my dear sis tati jadi tetamu VIP so she just have to seat then me the junior parents kena tolong.
Thanks for everything...i am so glad to meet to know u...
My Queen,
Thanks for a lovely batik for Azmi. It's a perfect gift for him as he always pening bila Thursday coz kena pakai u basically add more batik collections for his wordrobe..i'ts lovely, so i can match it with the cotton purple sari yg u bagi i...i loved it so muchhhh....Thanks & Muahhhh2!!!
Thanks once again to everyone for those lovely gifts ....but all of us have to know this "hadiah yg paling indah & berharga adalah kasih sayang & persahabatan yg terjalin antara kita semua. That is really something that we can't value's comes from our heart dan ia akan dapat kita semua rasaiya dengan hati dan jiwa yg tulus....".


Adillah A Nordin said...

Linda, Tak sangka u pun suka collect notebook, cards & paperbags.. :-) Great minds think alike!

kaseh said...

Kak Dilla,

Yeapppp...tu lahkan! Next time i pun dah kiranya tau lah ape yg akak suka.