Thursday, April 7, 2011

Do You Enjoy Your Life?

Me..syukur atas segala ketenangan, kesihatan yang baik. Itu kan satu nikmat dan kebahagian bukan?

Now memang busy tengah bantu Kak Normah kat Keyside Spa, kaseh still berjalan mcm biasa. Kelas di Aqrab pun masih dapat diteruskan...syukur.

How i see life now of days is very simple and easy. Apa sahaja gerak hati yang dirasakan dari doa yang kaseh panjatkan pada Allah SWT kaseh ikut...and allhamdulillah ia lebih menenangkan jiwa kaseh juga berlajar untuk menjadi orang "husnuzon-in arabic" bersangka baik pada semua yang berlaku dan people around us. Di Aqrab sincerely belajar banyak sangat tentang ilmu, people yang baik2 sungguh....menjadikan kaseh melihat pada diri sendiri dan cuba memperbaiki kelemahan diri.

Some latest work from us at butik kaseh:

I was so lucky, kak asiah - Pengetua Aqrab menghadiah senaskah buku yang dibelikan di Mekah sewaktu beliau mengerjakan umrah baru2 ni- "ENJOY YOUR LIFE , Dr. Al-Arifi". Bagus betul...tengah baca.

Chapter 9 - with the poor

Story about Prophet and the Bedouins whose name was Zahir Bin Haram. How Prophet used to love him and say"Zahir is our Bedouin and and we are his city-dweller."Zahir was not very good looking.

It was no surprise then that the hearts of the poor were attached the Prophet. He would gain their respect and love by such attitude. Many poor people may not accuse the rich of misserliness in terms of wealth and food, but they dan certainly accuse them of miserliness in terms of gracious and kind treatment. How often do you smile at poor person and make him feel he is worthy and respectable, so that perhaps at night he might supplicate for you and cause Allah's mercy to descend upon you from the heavens?

A hint ..

Perhaps just a smile at poor man would raise your rank in the sight of Allah.
